
Buffalo's 1st Indoor cycling studio

Thursday, January 30, 2014


Me day 1 whole30 join me on a discovery of eating real food and feeling great!

Ok So I had been reading a lot about detoxing and gluten sensitivity and eliminating "bad" foods for the purpose of feeling better.  I stumbled upon this 30 day diet called the whole30.  I was actually reading blogs about redecorating when one of my favorite bloggers started posting about this plan.  Just a little background on this women, Retro Ranch Redo…she is gorgeous, smart, fit and an amazing decorator, and what a cute hubby too!  Well, I digress, she blogged about her whole 30 experience and I figured I would too!! So here I go again starting on the diet from day 1 on so I can blog!! 
BTW I have a small group of girls from bikeorbar currently on day 13 and we are meeting this weekend for lunch to discuss in person the good/bad/ugly whatever!
So here goes: tester day was day O (again) for me so I did some grocery shopping. 
So the gist of it is: No sugar; artificial or otherwise (No maple syrup, honey, agave nectar, coconut sugar, Splenda, Equal, Nutrasweet, xylitol, stevia, etc).  no alcohol, no gluten, no grains, no legumes, no dairy, or white potatoes  
 What can you eat?  Eat meat, seafood, eggs, tons of vegetables, some fruit, and plenty of good fats from fruits, oils, nuts and seeds. 
Join me on my journey of feeling great, because that's how I feel on this program!

amazing recipes for whole30

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Each year this time, people all over are making huge proclamations about how this year they will finally change for the better!  But wouldn't it be nice if we all just accepted ourselves and one another and just took the best care of ourselves! 
However, most of the self-proclaimed changes won’t make it to the end of January. Despite a dismally low success rate, I think it is a good time to get our priorities in order and reflect on what we have been feeling guilty about. It’s a time to reflect on the kind of person you want to be and the best kind of life you want to live. Of course it’s best if you can do this all year, but life gets in the way..… 
According to all research, if you try to make too many changes at once, or unreasonably big life changes, it can get overwhelming and it isn’t sustainable.  It takes a long time to form a new habit and drop the old ones, and most of us give up way before we've established a new pattern.
A more realistic approach is to make a series of small changes.  I really like this idea of breaking changes into smaller, more reasonable changes one at a time. This year, I've been reading about people taking advantage of the 12 months and making an important change, that will hopefully become a habit, by changing just one thing every month.